Links to external resources

I reccomend you bookmark this page. Videos are identified clearly in the book and may be accessed from the links below. References to other external resources are underlined in the book and given an identifying number in square brackets. Links to those external resources are listed below under Web Resources and identified by number.

Cognitive Systems Design

Presentations for the Knowledge Professions

Presentation Videos

01 Presentation Workshop Challenge;

02 Presentation Workshop Knowledge, Narrative, Performance;

03 Knowledge Presentations Structure: A New Way;

04 Presentation Workshop On The Day;

05 Presentation Workshop Stories;

06 Knowledge Presentations Complexity;


Web Resources

01 Paper by Rodney Schmaltz and Rickard Enström here

02 Sixty marketing calls-to-action

03 Bill Gates, Teachers Need Real Feedback

04 Chip Kidd, Designing Books is no Laughing Matter

05 David Rose, How to Pitch to a VC

06 The first step to beating procrastination

07 Defeat anxiety by avoiding being nervous about your nervousness

08 Amazon review of Cialdini’s book

09 The 10 Commandments of TED

10 Review of Malcolm Gladwell’s book, David and Goliath, by Chris Chabris

11 Maria Tumarkin’s essay

12 Electronic information system, Task Force Air Defence

13 Richard Dawkins, science story, at 55 minutes into the video, finishing at 65 minutes

14 Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, YouTube video on the science of persuasion

15 My website,

16 Kelly McGonigal, TED presentation, How to Make Stress Your Friend

17 Review of Susan Cain’s book

18 Resolving anxiety, systematic desensitization

19 Resolving anxiety, flooding

20 The 7 Ways to Lessen the Fear of Public Speaking

21 Susan Cain’s TED presentation, The Power of Introverts

22 Susan Cain on Wikipedia

Last update: Tuesday, April 11, 2017
CSD Logo


I planned this book as an EPUB that would take advantage of the new capabilities of this format. There were to be embedded videos, slide animations, and links to external resources. I struggled to ensure that my Kindle version of this book would include those features. It turned out to be an impossible task. The Kindle format is just not there yet.

My compromise for the Kindle version of this book is to convert the slideshows into still images and provide access to videos and external links on this web page.

I know this is unsatisfactory. I will watch developments closely and update my book whenever and if ever the Kindle platform moves fully into the information age. In the meantime, email me with a copy of your Amazon receipt if you would like a fully interactive version of this book.